Configure SBC
If the Configure M365 Default Routing option was not selected, then the following screens are displayed:
1. | Configure SBC parameters according to the table below and then click Next. |
SBC Parameters
SBC Parameter |
Description |
Configure SBC |
Select check box if you wish to configure the SBC. |
SBC Site Name |
Name of the SBC site location. |
Online PSTN Gateway |
Unique subdomain name per M365 Tenant (CSOnlinePSTNGateway –FQDN) which represents the desired host name added for the carrier trunk. This name must be preconfigured on the M365 Tenant Domain or via DNS provisioning (see Register End Customer Tenant DNS Sub domains). If Default Routing is configured, then this field is automatically filled. |
SBC Configuration |
Select one of the following SBC configuration modes:
Region |
Select the required SBC device for the site location. |
Carrier: (this option is only relevant if you are connecting your Carrier to a SIP Trunk (when options SIP Trunk or BYOC are selected above). The selected carrier binds to the configured SIP Interface, Proxy Set and IP Profile on the SBC (where the same name is configured for all three entities on the SBC). |
Carrier Registration |
Select this option to perform SIP Account Registration for the Carrier trunk:
Enable CAC |
Enable Call Admission Control (CAC). From the drop-down list, select the desired CAC Profile call session number template. |
2. | Click Next |
3. | Configure SBC scripts: |
● | Click the to edit the SBC Onboarding Script file. This is a Preconfigured script that is prepared by AudioCodes Professional services and that can be customized by setting Custom Variables. |
● | Click the to edit the SBC Cleanup Script file. Each SBC Onboarding script file has a corresponding Cleanup script file to restore the configuration to their original settings. This is a Preconfigured script that is prepared by AudioCodes Professional services and that can be customized by setting Custom Variables. |
● | Script variables can be customized and loaded to the SBC Onboarding and Cleanup scripts above. |
See Customer Variables.
4. | When you have completed the configuration, click . |
5. | Monitor the Customer and Deployment statuses (see Customer Status and Deploy Status and Status Indicators). |